CBSE Affiliation No. – 1731092  |  School Code – 11580

Chairman's Desk


Mr. Rajesh Kumar Jain

Dear Parents,

The aim of education is to lead people from the darkness of illiteracy and ignorance into the light of knowledge and enlightenment. To fulfill the same objective, we started our school section, which provides education that promises to be students’ passport to success. With a reputation for excellence, DHSS has created a highly motivating academic environment in our school. We are glad to let you know that we have proved ourselves to be a place for quality education. Good education has the value for a lifetime. One of the most important qualities required today is the communication skill, and I am glad that our students can easily interact among themselves as well as others and share their ideas with confidence. I am delighted to inform you that we have plans to extend physical and educational facilities for the students. I welcome you to visit our school and admit your children for better education and learning.