CBSE Affiliation No. – 1731092  |  School Code – 11580

Principal's Desk


Arun Kumar

Mr. Arun Kumar

At DHSS our endeavor is to help the students to achieve academic excellence. However, this is only one and not the only aim. We envisage a value-based education with emphasis on molding the personality of the students to create confident, competent and morally and socially mature individuals who will always be a credit to the society and the world they live in. We keep in mind that phenomenal advances in Science and Technology have today laid greater responsibilities on Schools to ensure that the students of today; the prospective citizens of tomorrow’s World, imbibe truly humane values of Love, Charity, Peace, Brotherhood, Tolerance and Selfless Service, etc., in addition to being academically efficient. The spirit of togetherness and sharing at DHSS is excellent and all those who enter into the campus here are drawn into that spirit of belonging. The entire academic year is filled with co-curricular activities, aimed at flowering of talent and enhancement of creativity in the students. Students are also encouraged to take part in intra and inter School competitions at various levels, so as to equip them with the necessary confidence and skills to face the competitive world at large. Emphasis is also laid on participation in Sports and Games and all the necessary facilities are provided for balanced development.